Lightworks, LLC
Experience More Fulfillment
in Your Healing, Visionary Practice
for Highly Sensitive Healers & Visionaries
The Vital Energy Series
If your chakras could speak, what might they share about your desires, needs, gifts, and challenges?
How might they assist you in creating a more empowered, purpose-full, and fulfilling life?
Whether you are a novice or expert, Chakras Alive! provides a personalized guide to help you gain the spot-on insights you need to access more and more of your spirit’s unique potential.
Cutting-edge channeled info,, activational artwork, poetry, guided meditations, key questions, energy healing techniques, and suggestions for daily living supporting each of your 9 main energy centers included.
Chakras Alive! Deluxe Autographed Set: Full-color illustrated book, 9 downloadable meditation recordings + 8 Chakra Activator 8" x 10" Prints, $88 US + S&H
Chakras Alive!: Autographed full-color illustrated book only, $30 US + S&H
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Autographed 3-Volume Set: The Third Mary Re-Emerges: 92 Messages, The Third Mary: 55 Messages & Post-Resurrection: The Family of Mary Magdalene, $55 U.S.+ S&H
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