Lightworks, LLC
Experience More Fulfillment
in Your Healing, Visionary Practice
for Highly Sensitive Healers & Visionaries
The Light Dance Spelunking Series
Awaken and inspire your own gratitude with this heartful homage to the wonders within and around us, from the universal to the personal, in these 33 Love Letters to Hidden Treasures.
Kissed by Creation
Autographed book -
$12 US + S&H
Through rhythm, rhyme, story, and whimsy, Sizzle Soar, Glow, Roar: Earth Pulse Arias brings to light the magic and marvels of our weave of Oneness with nature in this 24-poem collection.
Earth Pulse Arias
Autographed book -
$12 US + S&H
Light Dance Spelunking Set
Autographed copies of Kissed by Creation & Earth Pulse Arias
$20 US + S&H
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For delivery outside the Continental US, email full shipping address, including postal code, full name, product list, and quantities requested to info@EmpoweringLightworks.com.
Autographed 3-Volume Set: The Third Mary Re-Emerges: 92 Messages, The Third Mary: 55 Messages & Post-Resurrection: The Family of Mary Magdalene, $55 U.S.+ S&H
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