
Lightworks, LLC

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in Your Healing, Visionary Practice


for Highly Sensitive Healers & Visionaries

The Magdalene Constellation Series

The Third Mary Re-Emerges Launch Celebration SPECIAL

20% OFF all titles below through 10/19/24!

Do you long to fully embrace your sacred humanness and expand your ability to help create the New Earth?

Would you love to join forces with a timeless spiritual teacher who raised a trail-blazing woman; one who honors and cherishes you, and helps accelerate your personal evolution?

Are you inspired to discover hidden truths about biblical times, subtle energies, your relationship with Earth and how you and the Universe work together to help activate and nourish your purpose?

In The Third Mary Re-Emerges, the soul of Mary Magdalene’s mother shares deep understanding of both the challenges of human experience and the wisdoms that can transform them.

The Third Mary’s wise, loving guidance comes alive through practical advice for implementing spiritual truths in your daily life, stories from her precocious childhood, solitary life as an outcast after the Resurrection and her other key incarnations, as well as specific spiritual teachings, energetic processes, and insights on modern and biblical times, your relationship with Earth and how you and the Universe work together to help activate and nourish your purpose.

Join forces with a spiritual master who raised a trail-blazing woman so you can accelerate your personal evolution and fulfill your essential part in creating the New Earth.

The Third Mary Re-Emerges autographed book only, $20 U.S + S&H

The Third Mary by Roslyn McGrath,  Mary Magdalene's mother, channeled messages

Ever wonder if there might be ancient knowledge to help you live your Divine heritage and co-create a more balanced, uplifting world?

Have you suspected there’s more to learn about biblical times and the roles played by women?

Have you wished for a skilled, compassionate guide to activate your spiritual growth at new levels?

Discover how a spiritual adept working behind the scenes for eons and mother of a ground-breaking woman can help you more fully live your Divine humanness and offer your best to our planetary evolution.

Learn helpful spiritual practices with concrete examples, witness personal aspects of biblical times, and receive energetic keys for unlocking your potential greatness as part of the larger whole.

The Third Mary’s visionary yet down-to-earth messages are presented verbatim as channeled, bringing forth Mary Magdalene’s mother’s wisdom, strength and compassion, her Divinity and humanity, in service to your own.

The Third Mary autographed book only - $20 U.S.+ S&H

Post Resurrection the Family of Mary Magdalene by Roslyn McGrath, channeled messages from Mary Magdalene and her children, channeled messages from Mary Magdalene's sister, channeled messages from Mary Magdalene and Jesus's children, channeled messages from Jesus and Judas Iscariot

What legacies do Mary Magdalene and Jesus, their children, Judas Iscariot, and Martha offer you?

How did their lives evolve after the Resurrection?

What roles do they play in our lives now?

Discover a new vision of the Holy Family, revealing secrets of our past, present and future evolution with this story of love, devotion to spiritual evolution, and wisdom for the ages.

Through the voices of the holy family, Roslyn McGrath’s newest book brings a rare and important glimpse into the lives and paths of Magdalene and Christ after their time in Israel. Revealing new understandings of the roles each played, each family member shares their wisdom and life experience to guide us on our life’s journey. A must read for those who yearn to know more of this amazing story of love and destiny!

– Flo Aeveia Magdalena, author of I Remember Union

Post-Resurrection: The Family of Mary Magdalene autographed book only - $20 U.S.+ S&H

The Magdalene Constellation series

Autographed 3-Volume Set: The Third Mary Re-Emerges: 92 Messages, The Third Mary: 55 Messages & Post-Resurrection: The Family of Mary Magdalene, $55 U.S.+ S&H


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