
Lightworks, LLC

Experience More Fulfillment

in Your Healing, Visionary Practice


for Highly Sensitive Healers & Visionaries

Choosing a particular modality for your 1:1 session is not required!

The following is shared to provide more details and inspiration about possibilities for our work together.

You may simply share your ideal goal(s), and together we’ll tune in to the best way to proceed.

Soul Focused Healing

& Counseling

Akashic (Soul Records) Reading & Healing: Connect with the energy of your soul records and a greater sense of your eternal nature through this channeled session. You may ask questions regarding any area of your life, as well as receive energy and guidance to support your journey. (60 or 90-minute appointment)

Circuitry Alignment: Connect the soul pattern you are living with your original pattern, supporting its integration throughout all of your energy circuits. (90-minute appointment. Schedule a minimum of 1 week in advance & allow 2 hours in your schedule for integration.)

Soul Light Connection: Bring the vibration of your soul’s light more fully into your body, replacing old stuck energies with higher frequencies. This can support physical healing and rejuvenation along with your harmony on all levels.

Intuitive counseling and clearing may be included simultaneously, depending upon what your being is calling for at the time. (90-minute appointment. In some cases, additional time may be needed for a 1st session.)

Soul Body Fusion®*: Bring your soul’s particular magic and magnetism more fully present, helping you to receive what truly suits you on all levels with this powerful, natural process developed by spiritual teacher Jonette Crowley. (Two 30-minute appointments)

*Training may be available upon request.


Before my sessions with Roslyn, I was nervous and scared about my upcoming surgery. I had been struggling with certain family relationships, and felt anxious, somewhat depressed, and a bit emotionally fragmented. After, I felt amazingly at peace about my upcoming surgery. I felt more grounded about the family relationships that were challenging me, and had stopped worrying about the “what if’s”, “why’s” and “maybe’s.” I was able to see situations with greater clarity and was able to just “let go” with a greater sense of trust in myself.

– D. Green, Artist & Mom

I found Soul Body Fusion® at a very difficult period in my life. Roslyn and the work assisted me to deal with deep soul pain, keeping me centered and making it possible to move forward from soul.

– Joy Regina Melchezidek, Founder & Executive Director of Tee-shirts For Peace, conscious channel, coach, teacher & energy field healer

I had a gestalt experience with flashes of different times in my life where I believe, my soul returned. . . My experience was laced with Grace and humility as important people in my life came to me and kissed me on my third eye. I feel more integrated since the session. It was a wonderful experience!

– Kim K., Healer

Both the Soul Light Activation and Soul Body Fusion® have opened new windows for my soul to see through, and widened doors for my greatest desires to become realized. Thank you for allowing divine balance and love to flow freely through you, for you facilitated the process that allowed the healing, clarity, and creativity within my self to be felt from a new perspective!

– Katie C., Musician

I no longer worry about what others think of me or what my body looks like. . . It really is just fine to be me inside and out.

– L. Corsten

More Forms of Energy Field Healing & Transmissions

Access Consciousness Bars: Gently and easily release the energy of limiting beliefs through light touch at 32 different points on the head. (30 to 60-minute appointment.)

Archangel Light*: Support your Grace-filled balance, evolution, and resonance with the New Earth through the energies of Metatron and other archangels through this deeply healing process received by Roslyn in 2017. (60-minute appointment. Schedule for 90-minutes to combine with a reading or intuitive coaching.)

Deeksha/Oneness Blessing: Open, support, and expand into the heavenly peace and balance of Oneness within your being. (30-minute appointment. May be combined with additional modalities.)

Healing Touch: Support the balance and healing of your energy centers and auric field through a variety of energy-based techniques. (60-minute appointment. Schedule for 90-minutes to combine with additional modalities.)

Love-borne LaHo-Chi*: Bask in a very high frequency of healing energy that comes in at the superconscious level (that aspect closest to God Consciousness), activating a blueprint for total healing. Your Higher Self draws through whatever degree and manner of healing is most perfect for you at that time. The resulting energetic changes are permanent.

Benefits you might receive include:

- Intensive Personal Healing & Self-Empowerment on All Levels

- A Sense of Oneness & Divine Love

- Release of Past Traumas

- Increased Access to Your Natural Gifts

- The Experience of Your Own & Others’ Divinity

Angel Light Healing*: a form of energetic healing which calls upon the Angels to assist directly may be included in your Love-Borne LaHo-Chi session.

You will be able to reactivate the Love-Borne LaHo-Chi energy for at least 3 days after your session, and possibly much longer. (60-minute appointment. Schedule for 90-minutes to combine with a reading or intuitive coaching.)

*Training may be available upon request.


Family Transformation Support: Unlock and reorient limiting ancestral patterns and dysfunctional family dynamics through image-making, the guidance of related souls, ancestors, Soul Records, spiritual Family Counselors, Archangel Michael, St. Germain, and your Higher Self, updating your soul contracts to develop more flexible, healthy interactions and increased self-empowerment and body-mind-spirit resiliency. (1.5 hr. appointment plus two 1-hr.follow-up appointments recommended)


Working with Roslyn is being inside a blessing. Her numerous healing gifts are offered in pure heartfelt delight, the essence of her joyful being transmitting love, possibilities, comfort, wisdom and guidance. I am awed by her ability to move so gracefully through different levels of consciousness with such extraordinary clarity and precision. I am uplifted, inspired and eternally grateful that she is in my life. Give yourself the precious gift of working with her and your life will be filled with Grace. She is a true Healer, an Artist of the Spirit, Painting the Soul.

– Kate Rose, Holistic Empath

Now I can incorporate more love more blessings in my life, not only for me but for everyone I encounter. I am blessed, so I bless others. I would recommend Roslyn’s work to anyone who wants to learn more about their self. We do not know what we do not know about our self. A little help from an angel is always a good thing. I have been blessed in my life, so just maybe it’s time for you to be blessed in your life by Roslyn also.

Rose, Lightworker

Something really big and major shifted. . . I just feel so much lighter and joyful! Thank you for sharing your gift.

– D. R., Lightworker & Channel

Roslyn’s helped bring me to the core of my being and realign me with my deepest inner truths.

Leslee M., Author & Healer


Love-Borne LaHo-Chi finds my center and dances me back into perfect focus. Guides and Angels like to come and play in Roslyn’s room, and insight is free-flowing, like a wise and infinite river of awareness channeling through the air. How could I resist returning to that room? How could anyone? Each time I work with Roslyn, I know I am in for an expansion of my current consciousness.

Cynthia W., Author & Mom

My worries just melted away. I ended the session feeling supported, comforted, and surrounded by light.

– K. Treloar, Jeweler & Student of Oriental Medicine

I was going in 52 directions all at the same time. I’ve stepped back and done a lot more reflecting and said Hey, I can handle it this way. Before, I was not willing to completely voice my opinion, and now I’m becoming much more present with my own voice. I’m getting a lot more self-confidence, and feeling a lot more worthy. I’m very much at peace.

-Suze, Lightworker

Before my work with Roslyn, I doubted myself constantly, would have a “scatter” brain a lot of the time, and cried a lot because I felt like I was taking the wrong path, doing the wrong thing. Now I have a sureness I haven’t experienced before, and a calm before I jump to the next project. I’m not feeling I’m inadequate because I didn’t get it right the first time. I’m being nicer to myself, and not feeling like I’m unworthy nearly as often. I’m recognizing my triggers and letting go of them.

— A.M.M., Artist

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