Lightworks, LLC
Experience More Fulfillment
in Your Healing, Visionary Practice
for Highly Sensitive Healers & Visionaries
Are you ready to experience deep healing,
Grace & personal evolution with the support
of easy-to-access high-vibrational energy?
The kind of energy that takes you into deep meditative
states where you feel a sense of Oneness & Divine Love?
Energy that may bring forth gifts you didn't even know
were within you, heal old mental, physical & emotional traumas,
bring Heaven on Earth closer now?
Energy that you can share with others, near or far,
including animals, Earth & more?
If so, join me for Love-Borne LaHo-Chi & Angel Light Healing Training this July.
This is a one-weekend training for a lifelong change.
You will learn how to:
~ Easily access high vibrational energy to help you
experience more deep healing, Grace & personal evolution
~ More quickly & easily go into deep meditative states
in which you may feel a sense of Oneness & Divine Love
~ Prime one's energy field to help naturally:
~ Effectively share Love-Borne LaHo-Chi & Angel Light
with yourself & others, including animals, Earth & more
*A FREE professional mentorship meeting is also included,
plus you have the opportunity to receive certification
at no extra charge!
Limited spots in this training are available
on a first-come basis.
Namaste & many blessings,
Copyright 2023, Empowering Lightworks. All rights reserved.