Lightworks, LLC
Experience More Fulfillment
in Your Healing, Visionary Practice
for Highly Sensitive Healers & Visionaries
The Creative Wisdom Series
Want to go past surface illusions and dive deep for insights into your relationships, career, self-development & more?
Gift yourself a powerful tool for mining the gems of your unique wisdom with Creative Wisdom Emerging!
The 11-step process shared in this workbook & webinar provide a practical structure and clear point-by-point directions to help you benefit from the wealth of wisdom within you at a whole new level.
From choosing a format for using Creative Wisdom Cards to implementing your new-found insights in your daily life, Creative Wisdom Emerging is specially designed to support any area of your life.
Creative Wisdom Emerging Deluxe Set: $97 + S&H
Creative Wisdom Emerging Webinar, Workbook, Cards, Velvet Pouch & 6 Downloadable Meditations
Creative Wisdom Cards (Velvet pouch included) $30 + S&H
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Autographed 3-Volume Set: The Third Mary Re-Emerges: 92 Messages, The Third Mary: 55 Messages & Post-Resurrection: The Family of Mary Magdalene, $55 U.S.+ S&H
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