Lightworks, LLC
Experience More Fulfillment
in Your Healing, Visionary Practice
for Highly Sensitive Healers & Visionaries
Are you a highly-sensitive healer or visionary who longs to:
· Tap more fully into your purpose?
· Access more of your skills & abilities?
· Go deeper with those you serve?
· Expand your powerful, positive impact?
· Experience more fulfilment in your personal or professional practice?
Then you’ve come to the right place.
I help highly-sensitive healers & visionaries
like you to flourish their purpose.
· My hospital worker client afraid to follow his dreams
became an ALTERNATIVE HEALER traveling the globe
· My artist client terrified to display his many works publicly SOLD OUT
his one-person art show
· My lightworker client yearning to clarify & complete her purpose expanded
· My amputee client dependent on government & insurance benefits received
· My healer client overtaken by grief rebalanced
& increased her SUCCESS with her clients
I'm here to help you flourish your purpose too.
Through our work together, you'll access deeper parts of your self than you've been able to access before, guiding you to more fulfillment in your personal or professional healing, visionary practice.
Roslyn Elena McGrath, Founder & Director,
Empowering Lightworks, LLC
I know this journey deeply, having gone from overburdened elementary art teacher unaware of her innate spirituality, intuitive gifts, high sensitivity & repressed voice to regional health & wellness publisher to 6x author, visionary artist & Purpose Fulfillment Guide for highly-sensitive healers & visionaries.
I support you with compassion & zero judgment, using my mastery of multiple Limited Belief Re-Wiring, Soul Integration, Quantum Field Healing & Trauma Release processes & channeling skills, along with wisdom gained through my personal experience.
I hold a Masters degree in Painting & am certified & trained in many quantum modalities, including the most advanced level of PSYCH-K ®, Soul Body Fusion ® Facilitation & Teaching, Circuitry Alignment, Past Life Regression, Dowsing for Health-Happiness-Harmony, as well as those downloaded specifically to me.
I had been working in jobs that didn't use my full potential. Working with Roslyn
has allowed me to understand what my gifts & allow them to flow through me with ease.
I now have the courage to share myself with the world and am working on building
a website and business plan. I've been doing bodywork/energy healing and receiving amazing feedback from my clients.
I'm excited to share my gifts. I feel more connected to the world around me
and I am listening more to the guidance I receive from the Universe.
- Jonathan Papias, Healer
The smallness & resistance that had been holding me back for years loosened
& released. I immediately took action in my own work with more purpose & joy,
I recommend Roslyn’s work for anyone feeling stuck
& wanting to move forward in life and with their life purpose.
- Leslee Morrison, Healer
I was often anxious, stressed & confused by the constant problem-solving mode my brain would be in. My work with Roslyn got me in touch with root issues, clearing so much confusion & mental chatter, leaving me with clarity about my direction, choices,
next steps in life, & getting me in touch with my core truths, purpose & needs.
Now I am taking action on my purpose more confidently
& receiving valuable support for it from others.
- Joshua Alan Brown, Health Coaching Student
I feel so much lighter! I have more room for joy and working on my passion.
I wouldn’t be where I am now without your help & guidance. Thank You!
– Lucy LaFaive, Joyful Living Educator
I was going in 52 directions all at the same time. Now I’ve stepped back and done a lot more reflecting and said Hey, I can handle it this way.
Before, I was not willing to completely voice my opinion, and now I’m becoming much more present with my own voice. I’m getting a lot more self-confidence, and feeling a lot more worthy. I’m very much at peace.
– Suze, Lightworker
The work helped me spread my own wings. . .
I felt peace flood me and left blessed, inspired, expansive.
– H. Remien, Creativity Coach & Yoga Instructor
I am at peace. Wow, it’s been awhile. I’d forgotten how this feels. I am calm. I’d been dragging, feeling disconnected, and it was getting to where I didn’t want to deal
with people. I feel alive, energetic & happy to see others in a way I haven’t in a long time!
– TJ Ryan, Broadcaster
Now I can incorporate more love more blessings in my life, not only for me,
but for everyone I encounter. I am blessed, so I bless others.
Help from an angel is always a good thing. I have been blessed in my life, so just maybe it’s time for you to be blessed in your life by Roslyn also.
– Rose, Lightworker
Before my work with Roslyn, I doubted myself constantly, would have a “scatter” brain
a lot of the time, and cried a lot because I felt like I was taking the wrong path,
doing the wrong thing.
Now I have a sureness I haven’t experienced before, and a calm before I jump to the next project. I’m not feeling I’m inadequate because I didn’t get it right the first time.
I’m being nicer to myself and not feeling like I’m unworthy nearly as often. I’m recognizing my triggers and letting go of them.
– A.M.M., Artist
if you have questions about my offerings at
Copyright 2023, Empowering Lightworks. All rights reserved.